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Thursday, March 26, 2009


This story recounts a pair of young people who are in love with different backgrounds and their lives and their relationship is not approved by the family relationship itu.karena the second pair they were not approved by the second pair is run to create a village and they married and eventually have a child. this family, both of them fight and kill each other.
in this case heard by the two young couples, they become anxious and want to reconcile their family.
Finally her husband went to see the fight of his family. but when her husband went to see her family, her family is killed by his wife. this mame his wife so sad. so she met to her family and tell to them but when her husband went to see her family, her family is killed by his wife. finally she is suicide leave their child.
this make her family be sad and regret. eventually they promise will not treat a child with a pair of lovers are loving and will be named with the name "loves"

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